In this society, business corporations sponsor everything from car and bike races; soccer; football; basketball; golf; tennis; dusting; bed-making; shoveling smoke; watching paint name it! There are corporate spokes-people for everything under the sun such as weight-loss products; soft drinks; beer; fast food; slow food; real slow food for Seniors; auto name it. Whenever there's a buck to be made, there's a corporate sponsor near-by! Put a corporate logo on a pile of manure, and see what happens! You'll sell it before you can get a shovel.
I was dis-connected from the Inte net and my website for 2 1/2 years, because of illness and hardship, so I'm still a novice in the writing and website-building business. But, the Lord has blessed me, and I'm back to start off where I left off.
Putting a corporate logo on a website, could mean a year's salary or more for many of us. With SIX job layoffs over the past decade, I have wanted my own home business more than anything. But, the failure of the dot Com's of a few years ago, showed us that there is no "pie in the sky," and everything is going to take time, something that few of us have. Financial transactions on the Inte net have not been safe until recent years, so that was a problem for business. Because all this learning was going to take time, I decided to construct an "entertainment website, " first, while I was learning business and the Inte net. But, through all of the learning and building, I have always had an eye on a corporate sponsor.
I think the name of the game in any business, is to spread the word. And, I have chosen to spread the word, by writing articles and having them posted on as many websites, blogs, directories, and I'll post an article on your shirt if I see you in a bank line. Also, exchanging links; classifieds; rings; begging always helps to lure traffic!
As a woodcarver for over 25 years, I'm out of the art and craft world and I have no background in writing whatsoever. Over the years, I have participated in over 40 arts and crafts shows all over the state of New Mexico. (where I live) I have always taken chances with my wood work, and I do the same with my writing and with my website.
Business corporations are not going to know what your goals are unless you tell them. And, I think the most important thing in all of this, is always going to be if you AND I have the confidence, self-esteem and courage to proceed with the idea!
ARTICLES PUBLISHED: (70+ websites/includes links); Direct link: http://humordoctormd.homestead Com/articlespublished.html Website name; humordoctormd - Over 150 colorful pages; over 300 graphics http://humordoctormd.homestead Com email; humordoctormd@yahoo Com Copyright; Jerry L. Aragon (The Humor Doctor) 2007
Colombian Teen Girls